BioVision Technologies offers the following LED microscope illumination products from Cairn Research, Ltd.:
The MonoLED is a compact affordable single-channel illuminator which “just works” for transmitted light and fluorescence illumination that require simple software control. It accomplishes this without compromising performance: it supports powerful (3A) devices (for epi-fluorescence illumination) and a full range of couplings and control options. The MonoLED is supplied complete with a condenser and mount for your chosen microscope.
The Cairn Optoflash is optimised for short-term intense illumination. This makes it particularly suitable for the photoactivation of “caged” neurotransmitter or other compounds, and for the important emerging application of channel rhodopsin activation.
The maximum current through an LED is generally limited by thermal considerations. Efficient heat removal from the device is only a partial solution, as the thermal resistance between the LED chip and its packaging always constitutes a significant bottleneck. Even so, the chip temperature rise on application of current still takes some milliseconds, so for illumination periods on this timescale, currents substantially higher than the steady-state maximum can safely be passed.
All Cairn Research LED heads contain protection networks to limit both the transient and steady-state current to safe levels for that particular device. The LED heads of the OptoFlash come with protection networks optimised for short-term illumination periods, so as to maximise the intensity during a flash.
The MultiStream is a user‐friendly device which allows the Cairn Research LaserBank or any other solid-state light source to be synchronised with a digital camera for multichannel streaming. Up to four wavelengths can be sequenced for KHz acquisition using either front panel or software control.
Cairn Research MultiStream rear panel